India Clean Air Connect aims to help unlock barriers to air quality action in India at scale
Our goal is to support greater coordination, & collaboration across people working on air quality from diverse expertise and geographies
Visit the air quality champion map
India Clean Air Connect is a response to air quality convenings hosted by the India Climate Collaborative, Clean Air Fund, ClimateWorks Foundation and Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation in 2019 and 2020.
India's air pollution is not limited to one city or one source
Solving for India's air pollution crisis means:
Aligning efforts across different disciplines to address multiple sources of pollution
Improving air quality in all 124 non-attainment cities, 73 polluted industrial clusters and more
Amplifying and strengthening existing efforts and networks
124 Non-attainment cities
73 Critically polluted industrial clusters
If your work seeks to improve India’s air quality through communication, advocacy, research, policy change, planning, litigation, community engagement or market-based solutions, join #IndiaCleanAirConnect
Employment type:
Employment type:
Job description
We are looking for a Wayfinding Designer to join the team who will lead the Signage and Wayfinding projects in all aspects related to graphic design, visual branding, typology, colour schematic etc. She/he will work closely with other team members consisting of urban planners, architects, product designers and GIS experts.
Task: Building a web-portal
Convert the existing prototype dashboard (video demo of prototype built in Power BI) into a full fledged web-portal with the proposed features listed below and an easy to use data management system. The web-portal is to be developed in 2 phases; mentioned below are the features to be incorporated in phase 1.
Website link for the prototype dashboard - www.indiacleanairconnect.org/dashboard. Please note that this portal is not public yet.
Repository of air quality organizations (following the design of the Power BI based prototype dashboard).
Interactive map
Data filter (Country/state/city; Organizations name)
Interactive graphs (Sector; Organization; Mode of engagement)
List of organizations (linked to sorting filters)
Descriptions of selected organizations
Small section that displays the summary of an organization and contact details
Add links to reports (add tags - by sector/topic so it can be searchable
Expand into a separate page for each organization so more information can be added if required.
Button to link a form (for new organizations or anyone to update their information)
Event calendar
Gallery (to spotlight organizations and their work)
Job postings
Twitter Feed (May also follow some select hashtags)
Membership logs in for all visitors. Events and jobs should be allowed to be created by any registered members to the site, but it will have to be finally approved by an admin before publishing.
About the organisation
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For any more details reach out to us on