India Clean Air Connect aims to help unlock barriers to air quality action in India at scale
Our goal is to support greater coordination, & collaboration across people working on air quality from diverse expertise and geographies
Visit the air quality champion map
India Clean Air Connect is a response to air quality convenings hosted by the India Climate Collaborative, Clean Air Fund, ClimateWorks Foundation and Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation in 2019 and 2020.
India's air pollution is not limited to one city or one source
Solving for India's air pollution crisis means:
Aligning efforts across different disciplines to address multiple sources of pollution
Improving air quality in all 124 non-attainment cities, 73 polluted industrial clusters and more
Amplifying and strengthening existing efforts and networks
124 Non-attainment cities
73 Critically polluted industrial clusters
If your work seeks to improve India’s air quality through communication, advocacy, research, policy change, planning, litigation, community engagement or market-based solutions, join #IndiaCleanAirConnect
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About the Event
The Revised Action plan for Control of Air Pollution in Bengaluru City has a 44 point agenda with responsibilities allotted to various agencies to respond with effective action, for which funds are also allocated. But in all of these factors, there is absolutely no attention paid directly to attending the healthy requirements of the poor and working classes, who are most at risk and constitute about half the metropolis’s 14 million population.These and more questions which often cross our minds, or come to us when we suffer from air pollution, will be disscussed by an interdisciplinary panel in a webinar, the first in a series on air pollution that Environment Support Group is organising in commemoration of 25 years of service to public causes and advancing environmental and social justice.
About the organiser
Environment Support Group [Environmental, Social Justice & Governance Initiatives], is an independent not-for-profit organisation that works to mainstream environmental and social justice in decision making through research, documentation, advocacy, training and campaign initiatives. We endeavor to mainstream the rights of local communities and voiceless ecosystems taking into account contextual complexities, especially their socio-cultural histories and traditional knowledge and practices. We work inter-sectorally, inter-sectionally and with an intent to ensure our actions are inter-generationally relevant.
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