India Clean Air Connect aims to help unlock barriers to air quality action in India at scale
Our goal is to support greater coordination, & collaboration across people working on air quality from diverse expertise and geographies
Visit the air quality champion map
India Clean Air Connect is a response to air quality convenings hosted by the India Climate Collaborative, Clean Air Fund, ClimateWorks Foundation and Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation in 2019 and 2020.
India's air pollution is not limited to one city or one source
Solving for India's air pollution crisis means:
Aligning efforts across different disciplines to address multiple sources of pollution
Improving air quality in all 124 non-attainment cities, 73 polluted industrial clusters and more
Amplifying and strengthening existing efforts and networks
124 Non-attainment cities
73 Critically polluted industrial clusters
If your work seeks to improve India’s air quality through communication, advocacy, research, policy change, planning, litigation, community engagement or market-based solutions, join #IndiaCleanAirConnect
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About the Event
Crematoriums are polluting entities in every city and hence a part of every City Action Plan with dedicated action points. Though they contribute to increasing the pollution load, there is very little clarity on what can we do about them.
Shweta Vernekar, Parisar, and Leena Buddhe, CFSD- in Pune and Nagpur are actively working on this issue, with the support and engagement of the hub members.
In this webinar, they will be sharing their experiences on why they picked up the issue, how hub members are involved, what are the learnings, and the way forward.
About the organiser
The Clean Air Collective was a result of the observation that most of the problems we face today, including air pollution, cannot be solved with individuals or organisations working in silos. The Collective was created as an unbranded network working on air pollution - to align on strategy, to complement each other's work, to reduce duplication of efforts, and to ensure deeper impact through collaborative work. The Collective currently comprises 200 members - a diverse set of people and organisations.
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